Do you think you have ADHD? Take our quick and easy, free online adult ADHD screening test based on the ASRS v1.1 self-screening guidelines.
Our Free Online Adult ADHD / ADD self-assessment test is open to everyone to use and is based on the ASRS v1.1 screening questions which is backed by New York University and Harvard Medical School. This free ADHD / ADD pre-assessment aims to provide insight into challenges you may be facing in daily life. This free test is comprised of three sections and will take approx 5 minutes to complete.
The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1) is an 18-question self-assessment tool designed to assess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms in adults aged 18 and above. It consists of eighteen DSM-IV-TR criteria and can provide insight to suggest whether further testing by a professional may or may not be necessary.
The ease of accessibility and straightforward nature of the ASRS v1.1 makes it a widely embraced choice among adults suspecting they are living with ADHD challenges. Its structured questionnaire, encapsulating real-life scenarios and reactions, paves the way for a deeper understanding of ADHD, fostering early intervention and management.
Thruday's daily planner was created to make light work of life. Designed for those with ADHD, ADD, Autism and Caregivers too.
Our appLearn about adhd, autism, epilepsy, dyspraxia and beyond.
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