Tips & Coaching

ND Coaching: Certified vs Accredited Differences

The world of neurodiverse coaching and mentoring can be complicated with so many abbreviations and terms out there. This article aims to clear up any questions.
differences between certification accreditation

In a world where more and more neurodiversity coaches are popping up every day and up to 20% of the worlds population being neurodivergent, encompassing conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, the need for skilled neurodiverse coaching is more pressing than ever​​.

This short article delves into the significance of certifications and accreditations in the field of neurodiverse coaching, underscoring their roles in enhancing the quality of support offered as well as the key differences between the two.

Before we kick off; Are you unsure if you have ADHD? Take our Free Adult Self-report Scale ADHD Assessment to investigate further.

What is Neurodivergent Coaching?

What is neurodiverse coaching

Neurodivergent coaching as an industry is a specialized approach of support for those living with ADHD, autism and other neurodivergent challenges. Coaching is designed to support and empower individuals.

Coaching as a whole acknowledges the distinct strengths and challenges that come with neurodiversity, focusing not on fitting these individuals into a standard mold, but on leveraging their unique talents and perspectives.

Neurodiverse coaches who specialize in this area are often trained to address specific challenges that can come with neurodiversity, such as stress management, developing leadership styles, trauma response, navigating workplace dynamics and anything else you might find challenging in daily life. The goal is to help neurodivergent individuals thrive in their personal and professional lives by creating strategies that work for their unique needs and aspirations.

What is a Certification?

What is Certified Coaching?

Certification or a Certified Coach, in contrast, focuses on individuals, offering a measure of their professional capabilities. It is usually awarded by professional organizations and is an important criterion in many fields for career advancement or even entry.

Key Aspects of Certification

  • Individual Skill Focus: Certification is about the individual coach’s knowledge and competence rather than having a broad knowledge.
  • Standardized Assessment: Passing tests or assessments is essential to certify one’s understanding of neurodiverse coaching expertise and to ensure they have the back to properly support your needs.
  • Ongoing Development: Certified coaches often engage in continuous learning to stay updated with the latest practices.
  • Benefits: Certification enhances a coach’s credibility and assures clients of a standard level of competency with a higher level of prestige over an accreditation..

Certified ADHD and Autism coaches generally have proven their abilities and knowledge in their specific field, often through rigorous assessments, and are considered qualified for certain roles and responsibilities but its important to remember that you shouldn’t take things at face value.

There are lots of certified coaches around, but, there are only a few certifications that are worth entertaining when considering on working with a coach currently due to how easy it is for just about anyone to create a course and claim to certify / accredit coaches.

Helpful: The only coaching certifications you should be looking for when hiring a coach.

What is an Accreditation?

What is Accredited Coaching?

Accreditation is primarily concerned with the institutional level, ensuring that the curriculum, faculty, and educational practices of a program or institution align with national or international standards.

Key Aspects of Accreditation

  • Institutional Quality Focus: Accreditation assesses educational institutions, not individuals.
  • Quality Assurance: It involves evaluating curriculum content, faculty qualifications, and the overall effectiveness of the training program.
  • Established Standards: Accreditation ensures that the training meets certain educational criteria.
  • Benefits: It offers assurance about the quality of education and helps students and professionals make informed decisions.

The process of accreditation is conducted by external accrediting bodies and is crucial for ensuring the quality and credibility of educational offerings. Accredited institutions or programs demonstrate a commitment to excellence in education and continuous improvement.

Coaching Accreditation vs Coaching Certification

Accreditations vs Certifications

Accreditation and certification are two essential terms frequently used in professional and educational contexts, each serving a distinct purpose, although sometimes, they are wrongly used interchangeably leading to a false sense of security.

The quick version? Accreditations are given by educational institutions such as colleges and universities who are held to strict, nationwide standards. Certification are given by a company and other organizations that don’t have a central body who determines the curriculum.

Essentially, anyone can start a business today and start to certify people right now – that includes coaches.

Being certified and being accredited is not the same thing and currently, a lot of coaches are falsely claiming to be accredited ADHD / Autism coaches when they are not – accredited neurodivergent / Autism / ADHD coaches simply do not exist that is unless someone has a recognized degree / doctorate in neurodivergent coaching which currently, does not exist.

When selecting a neurodiverse coach, understanding the difference between an accreditation and certification is pivotal for your own personal success.

Problems in the Coaching Industry [2024]

One important thing to note is generally, certified coaches do not need an educated background to take any course, there is no vetting process when they sign up. That means, you could in theory, wake up tomorrow, take a certification course in neurodiverse coaching, prove your ability and then get certified.

Anyone can become a coach. A little bit worrying really, isn’t it?

This has lead to an industry with people claiming to be ADHD or Autism coaches to the point that the market is currently over-saturated. Its easy to get sucked in by the clever marketing, bright graphics and professional pictures tricking you into thinking they are good at what they do when in fact, they may just push their very narrow experiences of being neurodiverse and charge you a lot of money for it in the process. all without being accredited.

Yes, that means a certified coach can have no background in counselling, psychology, trauma response or even a degree.

Finding the Right Coach for Your Success

When you set out to get some help, guidance and coaching, I bet you didn’t expect it too be so complicated, right? Us too. Certifications, accreditations, lived experience – its all a bit overwhelming isn’t it?

So, how do you select a coach that is right for you?

If it was us, we would aim to find one that has an accredited background, additional certifications and, if a necessity for you, one with lived experience in your specific challenges. This will enable you to get the most out of your coaching / mentoring sessions in the least amount of time.

Why? you might ask. Well, being accredited ensures the professional you work with has met stringent put in place across the country. A certified coach has the specialized training to help, and, someone with lived experience well, has the experience living with the same challenges you do.

The best coach is one who incorporates all three elements and one that you feel comfortable opening up, speaking too and being around. You should never come away feeling worse than when you went in.

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Andy Cresswell

Andy is ADHD, Autistic and Epileptic. He founded Thruday to bridge the gap between neurodivergent brains and the expectations of a neurotypical world. His app bridges the gap between support and planning with assistive technology.

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